In the UAE for the first time in captivity chicks of disappearing bustard-beauty

The International Fund for the Protection of Great Bustards (IFHC) confirmed the information that the first chicks of the Great Bustard, located in Sveikhan, Emirate of Abu Dhabi, were successfully bred in captivity verge of extinction. Activities to conserve this bird species are part of the beauty bustard program, endorsed by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE. It is expected that this year thousands more chicks will be bred in the research center.

The bustard-beauty, also known as the “wobble” and “jack”, belongs to the order of cranes. The bird is 65-80 cm long. It has a gray-sand plumage with dark specks, a crest on its head, and a “collar” of white and black feathers on its neck. It is found in deserts and semi-deserts. The bird is careful, runs and flies well, but is usually not high above the ground. The bustard got its name for the characteristic manner of running, rushing from side to side. Most whirlwinds are migratory birds. They nest in separate pairs. 2-3 eggs are laid in a hole on the ground. Only the female incubates and drives the chicks. They feed on bulbs, plant shoots, insects and reptiles. They do not drink water, but are content with the moisture contained in the food. Wobble has long been an object of hunting, because of this, today, its number has declined sharply, bringing the species to extinction. Wobble hunting is prohibited.

The International Foundation for the Protection of Bustard Beauty (IFHC) was established in 2006 by order of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. The main goal of the fund is the protection and restoration of this species of birds in the wild. The IFHC includes such organizations as the National Bird Research Center in the UAE, the Emirate Center for the Development and Conservation of Wildlife in Morocco, the Centers for Breeding Bustard-Beauty named after Sheikh Khalifa in Kazakhstan and Abu Dhabi (UAE).

Watch the video: First time traveling to Abu Dhabi UAE VLOG PT. 1 (July 2024).