New Titanic sets off on its first trip from Dubai

A copy of the famous Titanic liner will leave Dubai for England in 2022.

According to Clive Palmer, chairman of the Blue Star Line company that is building a copy of the infamous Titanic liner Titanic II, the new liner will set sail for two weeks from Dubai in 2022. After that, the ship will cruise between English Southampton and New York.

The construction of the ship was first announced in 2012. The liner is an almost identical copy of the original "Titanic" with a completely recreated interior. Onboard modern security systems and amenities. The construction cost is $ US 500 million.

The Southampton-New York weekly route will be available in the summer, and during the fall, winter and spring, the Titanic II will serve other international routes.

According to plans, the vessel will be able to accommodate 2.4 thousand passengers and 900 crew members.

Watch the video: Titanic II to set sail in 2022 Do you dare? (July 2024).