UAE recognized as the largest development assistance donor in the world

At the end of 2016, the UAE was recognized as the largest donor of official development assistance in the world.

Dubai, UAE. At the end of 2016, the United Arab Emirates was recognized as the largest donor of official development assistance in the world, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Thus, the volume of assistance allocated by the UAE amounted to 15.6 billion dirhams (US $ 4.3 billion), which is 1.21% of the country's gross national income.

It is noted that more than 58% of the total ODA was provided in the form of grants. The UAE overtook Norway and Luxembourg in the ranking, which allocate 1.12% and 1% of gross national income for these purposes, respectively.

It should also be emphasized that 275 thousand volunteers took part in the events dedicated to the Year of Charity (2017), and 2.8 million hours were spent on good deeds. Only the private sector donated more than 1.5 billion dirhams (US $ 410 million) to charity. The year was dedicated to social responsibility, the volunteer movement and the service of the nation.

Watch the video: #MyBetterStartsNow. Meet the #MyBetterStartsNow Heroes from the UAE (July 2024).