Ice Age

Heat! And, it seems, there is no escape from her ... But even the ancient people found a surprisingly tasty and elegant way to cope with the sweltering summer heat. Ice cream!

The earliest references to him date back to the time of Emperor Nero, who was served with mountain ice for dessert mixed with fruit additives, and the reign of the Chinese Emperor Tang, who had his own method of preparing mixtures of ice and milk. From China, an ice treat came to Europe. They say that Marco Polo brought the first recipe for this dessert from his trip to the East. And since then, the sorbet (or as it is also called, “sorbet”), was certainly present on the menu of aristocrats. The court chefs kept the recipe for ice cream and sorbets in the strictest confidence, and for the uninitiated its production was akin to a miracle.

Over time, recipes for the preparation of ice, sorbets and milk were developed, which became fashionable at the Italian and French royal courts. Even such a gourmet as Louis XIV did not refuse him. In 1649, French culinary specialist Gerard Thiersen invented an original recipe for frozen vanilla cream - from milk and cream. The novelty was called "Neapolitan ice cream." Since that time, the ice dessert recipe has been constantly improved and updated.

Let's move from history to practice. We offer you some simple options for making "fruit ice" and light home-made ice cream, which you can safely prepare in your own kitchen. With the beginning of the "ice age" you, dear residents of the Emirates!

Pear Sorbet with Berry Sauce

For 6 servings:
2 x 410 g cans of canned pears in syrup
75 g icing sugar
1 lemon juice
2 egg whites

For the sauce:

500 g frozen mixture of berries, thaw 250 g frozen raspberries, thaw 2 tbsp. l fruit liqueur (optional) 2-3 tsp. powdered sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Beat in a blender or food processor pears with can syrup, sugar and lemon juice. Place in a large container for the freezer.
  2. Freeze for 2.5 hours until ice appears on the walls. In a clean bowl, beat the squirrels into foam. Add to the frozen pear mixture, beat everything with a blender. To freeze.

For the sauce: 1. Drain the juice from the berries, add raspberries to the juice. Beat in a blender. Rub through the sieve with the back of the spoon so that there are no seeds in the sauce. Add liquor if using. Stir with a mixture of berries and set aside. Transfer the sorbet to the refrigerator 20 minutes before serving. Serve with sauce.

Ice cream with mango, raspberry and blackberry

For 1 piece:
200 g raspberries
200 g blackberries or black currants
250 g icing sugar
2 x 425 g cans of canned mango in syrup
4 limes
grated zest and juice 450 ml butter cream

Cooking method:

  1. Put the berries in different pots, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar and a spoonful of water and slowly heat to a boil until the berries are soft. Wipe separately through a sieve and arrange the sauces in two different bags for the freezer. Put in the freezer until they are half frozen and thickened. Beat the pulp of mango with 100 ml of syrup and 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar in a food processor into a homogeneous mass. Transfer to another bag for the freezer and freeze until thick.
  2. Put the zest and lime juice in a bowl, add the icing sugar and mix until the sugar has dissolved. Meanwhile, whip the cream with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ice water until soft peaks, then drive the mixture with lime. Freeze the cream mix in the freezer bag until half frozen.
  3. To make a marble effect, lay in two pieces of parchment (crosswise) a square baking dish - preferably with a split bottom. The paper should hang down so that later it is easier to get ice cream.
  4. Cut a small corner in each bag of frozen sauce. Then squeeze out multi-colored mixtures in straight lines from the bags. Fruit strips should be thinner and lime ice cream wider. Pattern - according to your desire. Freeze overnight. Remove from the freezer 20 minutes before serving. Turn over to a chilled dish and cut the ice cream into pieces.

Light Blueberry Lemon Cream Ice Cream

1.2 liter:

3 lemons, grate the zest, squeeze the juice.
200 g icing sugar
450 ml butter cream
250 g blueberries (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Mix lemon zest and juice with sugar and leave until sugar is dissolved. Meanwhile, whip the cream with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cold water in a soft foam, then add the mixture with lemon juice. Add blueberries, if used, transfer to a plastic container and put in the freezer. Leave overnight.
  2. Pull out 15 minutes before use, then either put balls of ice cream in balls or turn onto a board and cut into slices.

Fruit sorbet with strawberries and lemon

For 8-10 servings:

2 lemons, coarsely chopped
800-900 g icing sugar
1.8 kg fresh strawberries
Juice of 2 or more lemons

Cooking method:

  1. Put slices of lemon in a food processor or blender with powdered sugar and process until you get lemon puree. Transfer the mixture to a bowl.
  2. Make a strawberry puree and add it to the lemon. Add half the lemon juice, try and add more if necessary. Lemon flavor should be strong, but should not overpower strawberries.
  3. Pour into an ice cream maker or in a special container for freezing in the freezer.
  4. Freeze for 2 hours, then beat and freeze until cooked.

Mango Ice Cream


1 tbsp. l gelatin
60 ml of water
600 g chopped mango pulp
165 g sugar
1 tbsp. l orange juice
300 ml thick cream

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin in a bowl in a water bath, stirring until it dissolves. Pour into another bowl, add mango, sugar, orange juice and mix until sugar dissolves. Transfer the mixture to a plastic container, cover and freeze until half ready.
  2. Cut the ice cream into pieces and chop in the combine until it turns pale. Whip the cream with an electric mixer and mix with ice cream.
  3. Pour into a container, close and freeze. Remove from the freezer 15 minutes before serving.

Pomegranate sorbet

For 8 servings:

450 g fine sugar
8 grenades

Cooking method:

  1. Put sugar in a bowl and pour 600 ml of boiling water from the kettle. Stir to dissolve the sugar, then allow to cool.
  2. Meanwhile, squeeze the juice out of the pomegranates. To do this, beat off seven grenades so that the seeds inside give juice. Hold the fruit over the bowl, cut the peel with a knife, and the juice will pour into the bowl. Mix juice with syrup. Then pour into a plastic container and freeze. When ice crystals form, break them with a fork, mix and freeze again. Serve this pomegranate sorbet with balls, garnishing with several pomegranate seeds.

Watch the video: Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - Memorable Moments (July 2024).