Aliel: High Italian Jewelry

The well-known Italian jewelry brand Aliel opened in January 2010 its first flagship boutique in the Middle East region, for which The Gate Village promenade in the Dubai International Financial Center, which houses all kinds of elite art galleries, boutiques, restaurants and cafes, became the “home” for it. The holder of the Aliel brand in the Middle East is the renowned Khalil Al Sayegh Jewelers trading house.

Combining new ideas and ancient traditions, unique natural materials and the latest technology, Aliel craftsmen create such unique jewelry that will always remain in your memory. Only a few buyers with a sophisticated taste and looking for the opportunity to express their individuality with the help of luxurious jewelry can appreciate these masterpieces of high jewelry art. Today's Aliel boutique presents such author's collections as: Pietra in stone-in-stone style, where each gem is meticulously carved so that it forms the next one; Barosso named after the artist Mirco Barosso; Aurora with a unique combination of precious stones; Luce with impeccably transmitted "space and light" in the spirit of the Italian abstract painter Lucho Fontana; Iznik using the rare multi-stage “cloisonne” glaze, which combines first-class Italian enamel and unique folk hand-painted technique, invented in the Turkish city of Iznik.

Watch the video: Most Incredible JADE Discoveries Unearthed (July 2024).